Minggu, 15 Maret 2009

Kebaya, Traditional Fashion From Indonesia

Kebaya is a traditional clothing from Indonesia. Clothing as the princess of the Java or Sumatera palace in the first tempo, kebaya modified to remain interesting for use until now.

Usually used in conjunction with the kebaya is batik. Model blouse with a button on the front of the chest or back with a little touch of embroidery and payet as accents, the good will be beautiful clothes and luxury to a variety of events.

The fabric or any fashion designer is chosen as the main material to make kebaya is usually the type of lace, tulle and brocade. Models of various types of good at this time was adjusted to the trend in clothes remain visible so that the world up to date.

3 komentar on "Kebaya, Traditional Fashion From Indonesia"

Anonim mengatakan...

Good afternoon, thank you for the visit, day of happiness and smiles. Hug of the friend Valter.

Anonim mengatakan...

wah... i like kebaya, thanks for visiting my blog :)

Ratusya on 20 Maret 2009 pukul 17.41 mengatakan...

thanks for visiting ours... best regards from dytara & her aunty *me*..
Anyway, your blog is nice & great!

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