Minggu, 29 Maret 2009

Victoria Beckham's Style

Victoria are very reasonable called as a super model. In addition to beautiful and smart she has a slender body that high. Considered very beautiful. Even Victoria is very clever and forge to choose her clothing and accessories.
Try to see, when she choose casual bag to use both hands to match the color and model. Very wonderfull!
Fashionable official time Victoria also proficient choose clothes that fit the color to use, models the shirt up to date and have the right shoes, the appropriate level. Of course, Victoria looked as if we are never bored because the taste of the high-rise to make a dress can be the inspiration for all people, especially women.

5 komentar on "Victoria Beckham's Style"

Sasha on 31 Maret 2009 pukul 18.41 mengatakan...

I love her style on matching the shoes and handbag together... genius!

p/s: i've added u in my bloglist... sure! i'd like to be ur friend..

Meryl (proud pinay) on 4 April 2009 pukul 12.56 mengatakan...

i love the shoes of the model...very nice.

by the way friend, i already added you to my bloggers list so i could visit u more often( your name in my list is edi renti). kindly check it friend. hope you could add me too?

thanks and have a great weekend.

Prettymom on 5 April 2009 pukul 03.14 mengatakan...

sure we can x-links add my link and hit me back so i can add you

Amee on 9 April 2009 pukul 07.05 mengatakan...

I love Victoria Beckham! Thanks for visiting my blog! You can add me for sure!

Niar on 21 Juli 2009 pukul 22.32 mengatakan...

victoria is really a high class artist in dressing and design. She also starting to create her own design and make her own bran

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