Selasa, 07 April 2009

Comfortable High Heels

Shoes, high heels are very beautiful and wonderful in the foot. In some formal events such as wedding parties or dinner usually some women more confident use of this type of shoe. Here are these tips in choosing high heels shoes:

1. Choose the appropriate event to be attended

2. Customize the type of clothing that will be used

3. Color shoes should senada color shirt

4. Select a form not too high

5. Altitude sole shoes should be a maximum of 7 cm

6. Accent decoration shoe should not crowded

7. Not too much metal in shoes

8. Choose shoes that light

9. Choose shoes are more flexible material

With a few tips on the shoes may not only beautify the appearance of women, but can provide a sense of comfort throughout the event. Not only that by selecting and using the right type of shoes will provide more value for the users and owners.

6 komentar on "Comfortable High Heels"

Kim, USA on 8 April 2009 pukul 06.11 mengatakan...

Hello thanks for the birthday greetings I do appreciate it so much. I like your blog here makes my senses wake up lol. Of course we can x-links will add you too.
By the way that high heeled shoes how I love those colors.

Meryl (proud pinay) on 10 April 2009 pukul 21.05 mengatakan...

hi edi retnati, i love the shoes...
by the way, have a blessed weekend and happy easter too.

sakaigirl on 12 April 2009 pukul 20.25 mengatakan...

I never wore a high heel this tall before, if i do wear one, then i'll be taller than my boyfriend,which i'm not intended to be,haha..
Happy Easter, ediretnati!

fashionstyle on 17 April 2009 pukul 06.16 mengatakan...

thank's for visit myfriend...
your link has been added..
have nice day... :)

Sasha on 12 Mei 2009 pukul 21.29 mengatakan...

whoa!!! I love all the shoes in that pic... so elegant!

Unknown on 18 Mei 2009 pukul 03.08 mengatakan...

Hello..what a lovely site. I totally love those heels with the dots. They are very unique:)

Have a very good day!

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